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Fill out the form below for immediate access to:

  1. Daily TSPY Super Trades
    By 10:30 AM ET, you’ll receive your TSPY Super Trade alert with exact setup, entry and exit rules.
  2. Trade Management Alerts
    You’ll get real-time alert updates when we close positions so you can be sure your portfolio is up to date!
  3. TSPY Launchpad
    Exclusive to my TSPY Super Trade members, we host a LIVE early session chat room Monday - Thursday from 8:30am to 9:30am ET.
  4. The T Square Repair Strategy
    Learn the most powerful repair strategy on earth for hedging your positions during the overnight markets and increasing your profit over time.
  5. The One Trade Challenge Super Trade Guarantee
    If you don’t double your account within 1 year trading the TSPY, I will invite you to all four of my live, in-person tradeathon events at no cost to you.

What Do TSPY Members Say?

If you don't have TSPY, you are way behind the other traders you are competing with. - Mike Wayne

Tom, The TSPY program is phenomenal. The entire process is so easy to follow. You have definitely put me on the “flip-side” in trading. - Jerry K

Thanks Tom. Your service is incredible. - Pat Kennedy

New member yesterday. Today was a great first trading experience in TSPY and looking forward to building on that! - Ken Mitchell